Company RegistrationLloyd2021-08-27T06:23:20+00:00
Ahoyi Africa
Ahoyi Africa Savings and Credit Co-operative (SACCO) Society is registered by the Registrar of Cooperatives Zimbabwe – Registration number 8936 of 2020
AgroStrong Health and Finance Services is an investment company registered in Zimbabwe (Registration # 8878/2021).
Auditor PNA Chartered Accountant
100A Samuel Parirenyatwa Street Bulawayo, +263 292 261 101
South Africa
Ahoyi Africa
Ahoyi Africa South Africa operates as Ahoyi Africa Savings and Investments Stokvel
Stokvels are self-regulatory organisations authorised by the South African Reserve Bank in terms of Government Notice 404 in Gazette 35368 25 May 2012.
AgroStrong (Pty) Ltd is an investment company registered in South Africa (Registration # 2021/756349/07)
Auditor Lumina Financial & Executor Services
Ground Floor, Celtis House Eastwood Office Park Lynnwood Service Road Lynnwood Ridge 0081 +27 (012) 368 1932