Our savings products are linked to real assets (cattle). Savings are split into units of a steer. Once a client has deposited their money with AgroStrong, the money is pooled with that of other clients and used to purchase cattle which are bred and managed by our partner MC Meats in Zimbabwe and Beefcor in South Africa.
This allows for the initial capital to retain its purchasing power and to gradually grow as money converted to assets retains its value.
As a client, you are able to withdraw your savings after 6 months or decide to reinvest the money until you reach your ultimate savings goal.
Our Saving Products
Potential Returns Table
The tables below present a comparison of our 2 products with investing in a 4.5% p.a fixed deposit with a bank after a year
The returns presented above are indicative, based on historic returns achieved and are not an indication of future returns
How it works
Steers – Short term investments / savings

Clients invest their money
Clients can invest a lump sum or do so in agreed periodic amounts.
Our Production / Management partner buys the steers
The money raised from all clients is used to buy steers for fattening in state-of-the-art pens.
The cattle are fattened
The fattening process happens over 120 days, using high-quality feed hygienically manufactured on site.
The steers are ready
After the 120 days of feeding, the steers are sold to the abattoir.
The client withdraws their funds or reinvests
After sale, the funds are reinvested and after a 6 month tenor, the client has a choice to either reinvest or withdraw their money.